My Forth Fuel
Posted on 5th Oct 2022 at 13:56 ( Last updated on 19th Oct 2022 at 11:41 )
Forth Housing Association has been successful in securing funding of just over £55,000 to assist its tenants struggling with soaring fuel costs. Under the umbrella of ‘My Forth Fuel’ this means every household will receive a £30 payment towards meeting their fuel bills. In addition, Forth HA will be gifting an air fryer to each new tenant who signs up for a tenancy after 1st October 2022 until stock runs out. We also have access to items such as energy saving plugs, solar banks and radiator reflector packs which help with energy efficiency.
The Social Housing Fuel Support Fund is funded by the Scottish Government and managed and administered by the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA). It aims to provide practical support to social landlords’ tenants in order to help them to manage, or reduce, their fuel costs.
Forth Housing are delighted to have been successful in its funding bid. As Head of Tenant Services Mareta Greig explains “We are all acutely aware of the financial hardships being faced by people at this time and wanted to ensure we applied for funding which would help every tenant.”
Tracy Doran, Income Maximisation Officer adds “We are delighted to be helping every tenant through the current cost of living crisis. The team will also be considering the financial impacts on tenants and assisting them where we can.”
The project has to be able to be delivered by 31 March 2023. Payments of £30 will be made directly into tenants’ bank accounts and over the next few weeks staff will be contacting all tenants to obtain the necessary banking information and contact details to allow the payments to be made.