Management Committee

The Management Committee is elected from among the members and there are 15 places on the Committee. It is possible for people to be invited to join the Committee provided co-options do not exceed on third of the number of elected members.

The Committee normally meets monthly and sub-committees can be set up to deal with particular aspects of the Associations affairs, like new developments. Copies of Management Committee Meeting Minutes can be made available upon request.

The Committee is responsible for the Association's strategies and policies like housing management, maintenance, finance, employment and governance.

Committee members act in a voluntary capacity and do not receive payment for their work, only reasonable out-of-pocket expenses. They do not benefit from their position and cannot receive favourable treatment in any way - neither can their close relatives.

Serving as a Committee member is both interesting and worthwhile. Training is available for Committee members and further information about what is involved is available at the office or by e mailing

Alternatively, click here to read the Membership Policy. At the end of the policy there is an application form.

Click here to read the Role of the Governing Body.