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Management Committee Meeting June 18

Management Committee Briefing

 The following points were covered at the June 2018 Committee Meeting:

  • The quarterly Development report was considered and the following particularly noted:
  • All the homes at Raploch 4B have been completed and the contractor is simply finishing some of the common areas,
  • Approximately half of the Johnston Avenue homes have been completed and the final homes should be handed over in July.
  • Work at Howlands Road started on 25th June and completion of the 35 homes should be achieved by October 2019.
  • Planning permission has been achieved for 53 homes at sites 8 and 9 at Raploch and construction work should commence later this year.
  • A planning application has been submitted for the South Stirling Gateway development which includes 22 homes for Forth.
  • Early design work has started on the second phase of homes for Johnston Avenue.
  • The quarterly Maintenance report was considered and the following particularly noted:
  • The number of reactive jobs in the quarter was up due to the bad weather but contractor performance was still very good with 99.2% of jobs completed within target.
  • Reactive maintenance spend for the year was overall slightly under budget.
  • 24 grant funded adaptations were completed to homes during the year, to make life easier for those with medical requirements.
  • All the planned cyclical maintenance work for the year was completed as planned and within budget. Access achieved for Electrical safety checks was up to 84% but still some tenants fail to agree access for this safety check.
  • 100% of our gas safety checks in the year were completed within target.
  • All the planned improvement works for the year were completed with the total spend being 3% over budget.
  • The majority of tenants consulted about the possibility of installing showers at bathroom upgrades agreed this would be an appropriate move. Committee therefore agreed to specify over-bath showers as a standard part of the bathroom upgrade work.
  • The CDM Regulations Policy and the Contractor Liquidation Policy were reviewed and adopted
  • The Fiver Year Financial Projections were approved for submission to the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR). These show that given the existing plans and projections the Association will remain financially very sound over the next five year period.
  • The Loan Portfolio Return was approved for submission to the SHR. This shows that despite additional borrowing for the construction of new homes the net borrowing of the Association reduced by almost £700,000in the last year.

John Cameron        
